Friday, March 4, 2011

Decision Making Methods

o Voting
§ Seeks Majority Rule
· Some members win, while other members loose. If the decision is won by 51% of voters, then the other 49% might not be happy about it.
§ Seeks Two-Thirds Vote
· At least twice as many group members must vote for it and ensures a significant number of voters will be satisfied by the decision.
§ Voting works best when:
· A group is pressed for time
· The issue is not highly controversial
· A group is too large to use any other decision-making method.
· A groups constitution or rules require voting on certain types of decisions.
o Consensus Seeking PG. 239
§ A group reaches a consensus when every group member agrees to support a decision or action. This is a decision in which all members find at least minimally acceptable as a means of accomplishing some mutual goal.
§ When reached, a consensus can unite and energize a group.
§ Consensus does not work well for all group situations. If a leader has too much power over a group and members were unwilling to express their authentic ideas/opinions, then it would not work well. Consensus seeking works best where members have equal status in groups that create a climate in which everyone feels comfortable about expressing their views.
(Decision Making Methods: PG. 238)

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