Friday, March 4, 2011

Group Decision Making & Problem Solving

  • A common occurrence is to confuse Decision Making with Problem Solving. They are two different functions.
  • Group Decision making results in reaching a conclusion where the group takes a position, holds an opinion, makes a judgment, or takes an action.
    • A decision may or may not solve a problem.
    • Decision making involves asking the four W questions:
      • Who?
      • What?
      • Where?
      • When?
  • Problem solving involves analyzing a problem and developing a plan or course of action to remedy the problem or minimize its impact/damage.
  • Problem solving questions a group should ask will include:
    • Why?
    • How?
  • Group Decision Making & Problem Solving: Pg. 236
Decision Making:
A judgment the group chooses an alternative.
Ask who, what, where, and when.
  • Guilty or Not Guilty
  • Hire or Not Hire
  • Spend or Save
  • Whom should we invite?
  • What should we discuss?
  • Where should we meet?
  • When should we meet?
Problem Solving:
A process: The group develops a plan.
  • Analyze the problem
  • Develop options
  • Debate pros and cons
  • Select and implement a solution.
Asks Why and How?
Why doesn’t our promotional campaign attract students?
How should we publicize the colleges new programs?

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